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Different Methods To Decrease Colic Condition In Babies

If your baby is crying longer than usual or is being really fussy for no apparent reason, it’s possible that he/she is dealing with a colic condition. There are various ways to help decrease the pain felt by your child : some ways can be done by yourself and others require colic treatments such as colic treatments Ocean County in order to ease the pain. Colic treatment can be performed professionally by chiropractors like chiropractor in Monmouth County. On the other hand, the other ways can be performed by yourself at home. The following points represent different method that can be used to relieve your baby from colic pain.  

Carry your baby

When your baby is experiencing colic, is most likely feeling a huge discomfort which can make him/her go through a lot of stress.  As such, holding your baby tight to your chest might help him feel reassured and less lost. By doing so, his/her symptoms can be decreased. If you want to still be able to use your hands while carrying your child, then using a baby carrier will be really useful for you.

Lay your baby on his/her tummy

When your baby starts to cry, lay him/her on their tummy across your lap or stomach. The change in position will be able to ease their pain at least a little. If you want to be even more efficient, then rub his/her back gently. It will help letting the gas that is stuck in your baby’s digestive system pass through. It also works as a soothing method.

Holding your baby upright just after breastfeeding

It has been determined that having gastro esophageal reflux disease or acid reflux are factors that tend to create a colic condition for a baby. As such, by holding your bay in an upright position right after you’ve fed him will help to avoid any acid reflux symptoms. The position of your baby is what will help him digest easily or no.

Thicken milk by using infant cereal

If you’re not breastfeeding your baby and you prefer giving him/her milk on the side, then using infant cereal in order to thicken the milk that he/she eats will allow them to avoid any acid reflux or at least will help in reducing them. Before using this method, don’t hesitate to seek advices from your pediatrician to ensure that it’s a safe option for your baby.

Switching formula

Another factor responsible for a colic condition is a potential allergy or milk protein intolerance causing great discomfort for your baby. If you think that an allergy or intolerance is the issue, then it’s best to switch to a formula with a different protein source. It will take approximatively two days to see a difference in your baby’s behavior. If there are no changes then the issue is not coming from an intolerance or allergy.

Going to a chiropractor

If the previous options are not working or if you don’t find the time to experience each of them, then seeking professional help such as with a chiropractor in Monmouth County, is advised. A chiropractor will use massage technique to treat colic conditions. Colic treatments Ocean County Made by chiropractors have been proven to greatly help children with colic condition.